Find Hotels & Motels in any of the cities, counties or zip codes of USA. We have information on over 100,000 Hotels & Motels all over the United States. Whether you are looking for a well known Hotel chain, resort, bread and breakfast, vacation home or villa or even a timeshare, can help.
If you search by complete address, will display Hotels & Motels closest to that address. If you search by a location such as city, county, zip code or state, you will find all Hotels & Hotel Chains listed in that location. An interactive Map with all Hotel location is shown for the selected location. You can drag the map around to view Hotels & Motels in the selected location and it's neighborhood areas.
When you find a Hotel, you can view details information including address, map, directions etc. Many Hotels may also include discount coupons available. provides detailed information on the top Hotel Chains and Franchises. Top cities and counties with most number of locations of any Hotel Franchise, and how they compare with other Franchises in any given location.
See Hotel Chains and Franchises.
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