We found no Hotels or Motels in Capitol Heights, Utah. The closest one is Haxton Manor, which is about 1.1 Miles away in Salt Lake City. A list of Hotels & Motels close to Capitol Heights is displayed below the Map. You may also drag the map around to see Hotels & Motels in the neighborhood areas of Capitol Heights.
No Hotel Franchises or Chains found in Capitol Heights, UT.
943 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT-84102 (801) 363-4646
63 S 900 E, Salt Lake City, UT-84102 (801) 363-5247
164 S 900 E, Salt Lake City, UT-84102 (801) 533-8184
678 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT-84102 (801) 363-4900
678 E South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT-84102 (801) 363-4953
667 E 100 S, Salt Lake City, UT-84102 (801) 531-1333
107 F St, Salt Lake City, UT-84103 (801) 359-3855
107 F St, Salt Lake City, UT-84103 (801) 359-3855
732 E 200 S, Salt Lake City, UT-84102 (801) 533-8184
57 S 600 E, Salt Lake City, UT-84102 (801) 363-8035
Capitol Heights is located in Salt Lake County, Utah. View a list of all Hotels & Motels in Salt Lake County, or checkout Hotels & Motels in the nearby places of Capitol Heights: Salt Lake City, Superior, Rock Springs, Butte & South Salt Lake.