We found no Hotels or Motels in Montezuma Creek, Utah. The closest one is Kokopelli Inn, which is about 12.9 Miles away in Bluff. A list of Hotels & Motels close to Montezuma Creek is displayed below the Map. You may also drag the map around to see Hotels & Motels in the neighborhood areas of Montezuma Creek.
No Hotel Franchises or Chains found in Montezuma Creek, UT.
Highway 191, Bluff, UT-84512 (435) 672-2322
189 N 3rd St, Bluff, UT-84512 (435) 672-2304
CCorner of 5th West, Highway 191, , P.O. Box 324, Bluff, UT-84512 (435) 672-2242
Hwy 191 , Bluff, UT-84512 (435) 672-2322
121 N 7th E, Bluff, UT-84512 (435) 672-2470
250 Main St, Bluff, UT-84512 (435) 672-2281
701 W Main St, Bluff, UT-84512 (435) 672-2303
755 S Main St, Blanding, UT-84511 (435) 678-3880
755 S Main St, Blanding, UT-84511 (435) 678-3880
711 S Main St, Blanding, UT-84511 (435) 678-3271
Montezuma Creek is located in San Juan County, Utah. View a list of all Hotels & Motels in San Juan County, or checkout Hotels & Motels in the nearby places of Montezuma Creek: Aneth, Bluff, Blanding, Teec Nos Pos & Monticello.