We found no Hotels or Motels in Oak City, Utah. The closest one is days inn delta, which is about 12.2 Miles away in Delta. A list of Hotels & Motels close to Oak City is displayed below the Map. You may also drag the map around to see Hotels & Motels in the neighborhood areas of Oak City.
No Hotel Franchises or Chains found in Oak City, UT.
527 Topaz Blvd, Delta, UT-84624 (435) 864-3882
347 E Main St, Delta, UT-84624 (435) 864-5318
75 S 350 E, Delta, UT-84624 (435) 864-4533
234 W Main St, Delta, UT-84624 (435) 864-2041
180 S 1000th W, Delta, UT-84624 (888) 315-2378
275 W 400 N, Fillmore, UT-84631 (435) 758-2641
230 W 400 N, Fillmore, UT-84631 (435) 758-9188
230 W 400 N, Fillmore, UT-84631 (435) 758-9188
905 N Main St, Fillmore, UT-84631 (435) 743-5848
905 N Main St, Fillmore, UT-84631 (435) 743-6895
Oak City is located in Millard County, Utah. View a list of all Hotels & Motels in Millard County, or checkout Hotels & Motels in the nearby places of Oak City: Delta, Lynndyl, Leamington, Holden & Scipio.