L & L Motel is located in Orem, UT. This is the only L & L Motel location in Orem.
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Please call (801) 225-3784 for check in and check out times.
We do not have the Payment Methods Accepted at this place. Most places accept Cash and Major Credit Cards. Please contact L & L Motel at (801) 225-3784 to find out payment options & Other details.
Here is a list of Hotels & Motels close to L & L Motel. View all Hotels & Motels in Orem, or Hotels & Motels in Zip code 84057.
873 N 1200 W, Orem, UT-84057 (801) 225-4477
1100 W 780 N, Orem, UT-84057 (801) 235-9555
525 S State St, Orem, UT-84058 (801) 225-5395
175 N State St, Lindon, UT-84042 (801) 785-9777
427 W University Pkwy, Orem, UT-84058 (801) 431-0405
Here is a list of top Hotel Chains in Orem: